Child Protection Policy

Under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014 and as a contractor to the Ministry of Health, DBS Dental Studio adopts a Child Protection Policy. Under this legislation a “child” is defined as someone younger than 18 who is not married or in a civil union. This policy is to ensure applicable steps are taken to ensure children are protected while visiting the practice. If a child seems to be abused/harmed outside of the practice, then the correct steps are taken towards child protection.

DBS Dental Studio abides by the rules and regulations set out in the Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989, Vulnerable Children Act 2014 and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 when performing worker safety checks and when reporting suspected abuse to the appropriate organisations.

Dentists as health professionals have a range of responsibilities to their patients. Patient care includes the overall welfare of our patients, and this is particularly relevant to children and young people. If a dentist believes a child may be suffering a form of abuse, he/she should report the concerns. Worker safety checks are obtained which includes, but is not limited to, police vetting and appropriate steps are carried out to protect a child while they are visiting DBS Dental Studio.




09 869 6478


028 8520 5728


022 437 3368


028 8521 2019


028 8521 3227